Promote communication on key issues important to SAMAB by leveraging efforts between SAMAB cooperators with a focus on decision making to foster sustainability in the Southern Appalachians.
A. Co-sponsor conferences, lectures and presentations in cooperation with other organizations.
B. Help create and disseminate information, such as federal agency research and biosphere reserve science, impacting the Southern Appalachians to regional decision makers, local communities and landowners.
C. Enhance communication about research and management needs and priorities in the Southern Appalachians to agencies and organizations engaged in developing research and management agendas.
D. Increase communication outreach regarding key issues through web-site postings, blogs, news articles, twitter, and other social media outlets that convey information critical to the long term sustainability of the region.
Action Items:
1. Promote Southern Appalachian Vitality Index (SAVI) awareness, web tool, and products.
2. Integrate with Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative to further communications with partners beyond SAMAB cooperators.
3. Identify and participate in relevant conferences and meetings of SAMAB external partners.
4. Conduct quarterly meetings of SAMAB cooperators for information sharing and support opportunities.
5. Share relevant cooperator efforts on SAMAB website.
6. Revitalize the SAMAB website.
7. Coordinate communications team.
8. Co-sponsor the 2017 Southern Appalachian Spruce Restoration Initiative/Central Appalachian Restoration Initiative Workshop.
Promote information sharing and education about key SAMAB issues with local governmental officials and others interested in promoting sustainability and land conservation.
A. Sponsor or present at workshops to increase understanding about key social/economic/environmental issues.
B. Create virtual series of webinar and/or training opportunities to educate partners about issues that are important to the sustainability of the region.
C. Provide support in the development of sustainable decision tools for local government and organizations in the region.
Action Items:
1. Phase III of the SAVI.
2. Obtain funding for Phase III actions that may include development of pamphlets, a promotional trifold brochure, powerpoint slideshow, video tutorial, webinars and workshops.
3. Prepare and deliver Ecosystem Protection Webinar Series on Landscape Conservation Designs in Appalachia with Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy and Southeast Natural Resources Leadership Group.
4. Incorporate community data components of SAVI into the Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy design.
Promote coordination among biosphere reserve units within the SAMAB region.
A. Engage biosphere reserve managers and other SAMAB partners to promote increased understanding about management activities occurring on and around the reserves.
B. Discuss key issues in relation to biosphere reserve management and the landscapes surrounding the reserves.
C. Expand the reach of biosphere research-based management and sustainability information to communities of decision makers in the Southern Appalachians.
Action Items:
1. Distribute biosphere reserve engagement brochure for internal audiences educating on the benefits of each Biosphere Reserve, including an updated electronic map of the reserves.
2. Continue to establish regular communication among reserves.
3. Develop an updated electronic map of the reserves for website.
4. Consult reserves on issues of sustainability of the Southern Appalachians.
5. Add links to the SAMAB region reserves to the SAMAB website.
6. Rotate SAMAB face to face meetings across Biosphere Reserve units on a regular schedule.